Posted by Ross Thermos

Hello everyone, this is my first post here on what i hope will become a thriving blog for my new party. THE PATRIOT PARTY.

this is the first draft of the manifesto for our party, and since this party is for true americans, who believe man is inherently free, i invite all who read this to leave suggestions to change or add or detract from what is there. FREEDOM PREVAILS. 

As kids we watched cartoons, the same shows over and over in their old two-dimensional and for a time, that was accepted, we were content. But as fait would have it we grew up and those same old two-dimensional images began to bore us. So we wanted more, and were given 3D movies. Same could be said for everyone in this country, we have grown up and the same two party system that has held the monopoly over our government has become stale and outdated. That is why the idea, the need, the demand for a new group to challenge the status quo. It has come down to time where people are always saying, it’s the lesser of two evils, how about instead of choosing the lesser of two evils people were given another choice. Not the kind of choice that is unheard of but a real contender. Someone who could challenge the Republicans, and the Democrats, a party comprised of regular Americans, regular patriots. The Patriot party will not be the group that reaches across the aisle because the Patriot party will be the aisle. It will stand for the real freedoms of the United States, and will return the country to what is was meant to be, not the distorted image it has become.

            There is always talk amongst pundits and pollsters who say someone has very liberal views or conservative views. As if to be a republican means you have to be one way or another. The Patriot party will be the party that can redefine and shatter all the accepted norms. It will have New England conservatives and Texas liberals. And it will have an official symbol to represent this new bond of strength. The democrats have their donkey, the republicans their elephant and the patriots will have the lion. and instead of spending months splitting hairs about how something is phrased the party will attempt to simplify the nation, and give it true freedom instead of the illusion of freedom.

            Some of the basic beliefs of the party are the original freedoms given by the founding fathers. Beginning with speech, there will real freedom of speech. All to often these days you have people being sued or fired or bullied merely because they wanted to speak their mind. Allowing this to happen means that people have the freedom of speech as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else’s. when we were children it use to be that sticks and stones would break our bones but words would never hurt you. But now its sticks and stones will break our bones but words will devastate our inner child forever. Allowing these practices to continue inherently limits our free speech to “acceptable” speech. Free speech is given and it is unconstitutional to let anything impede that right. You have the right to say whatever you like, just the way others have the same right to disagree.

            The second amendment, one of the most discussed rights after the first amendment, as an American you have the right to bear arms. Not to say it shouldn’t be regulated but ever person has the right to defend themselves their property, and others from harm. There was debate that it was for the formation of a regulated militia. But if someone breaks into your house and is holding a gun to your family you cannot wait for the National Guard to arrive. The parties platform on the second amendment is that, quite simply, if you wish do bear arms, then you are granted that right.

            The party also believes that there should really be less government and state intervention when it comes to matters of people’s personal lives. To name a few examples, gay marriage, seat belt laws, smoking and abortion. All of which are subjects that have been debated discussed and fought over constantly. First off, gay marriage, is a lifestyle chosen by people. It is just that it’s a personal choice so people have to right to choose whatever they would like, to live the way they want. As for marriage, the church originally instituted it, so the party’s stance on marriage is that the government will recognize whatever a couples church says. If their church approves and allows it then the state will abide. The separation of church and state will be maintained. Next are the seat belt laws, currently it is a law that you must wear a seatbelt in the car. Well yes everyone knows that seatbelts save lives but people should have the freedom to be stupid. Its their choice to not wear something that would help them. The idea being that the moment government tells you what you should be doing in your own car, is the moment it oversteps its boundaries. Government is to protect and serve the people, not subject and order them. Next is smoking, there is education on the harmful effects of smoking but if someone chooses to do it anyway then its their right. They should be allowed to smoke indoors and at restaurants, all be it in separate areas so that those who choose not to smoke aren’t subjected to it. To force smokers to stand outside or huddled in a corner of a certain area is to create an unofficial kind of class system.

            This next issue is perhaps one of the most debated, and it is the issue of abortion. Allot of people say that its murder where as just as many say a woman has the right to choose. There in lies the rub, the tyranny of the masses so to speak. Just because a large group does not like something, does not give them the right to impose their views on others. If you do not agree with abortion then you do not have to get one. Though one has a choice to abstain and one has the choice of acting like an adult and living with the consequences of their actions. But It is a razors edge, abortions should still remain costly to stave off the chance that people will use it as an alternative to contraceptives. Another risk if the price was lowered and it was in fact used instead of a contraceptive is that there will be a greater likelihood of the rampant spread of STDs.

            Now the party also has a brand new outlook on foreign policies. All to often this great country finds itself in a position where we help one group or country and it angers another. Where as if we don’t help the country we anger others. Think of it as a damned if you do damned if you don’t kind of situation, just on a global scale. So when it comes to the rest of the world, our ideas are simple, there is only two types of aid we will be given to the global community, medical aid and agriculture aid. We will educate the nations of the world on how to grow crops to feed their people, as well as provide them with the tools to do so. We will also educate everyone on how to diagnose and treat all types of illnesses and how to help heal their people. On top of this knowledge they will also be given the tools necessary to do this task, supplies and medication. We will not fund any nation and we will not enter into armed conflict unless we are attacked or it is to stop a crime against humanity, such as genocides.

            As far as defense is concerned the party believes that great deal should be paid to the defense of the nation. As a result of our new international policies, our military will be able to defend our country and our people, and if it calls for it, they will also protect those who cannot protect themselves in nations abroad, one such example would be darfur. Though there will be outcry by some that we should in fact fight with one nation against another, the united states will not take part in a war against another nation unless it directly involves the US.

            The party is going to streamline government an their policies so that it can be understood by everyone in the nation. There will be no more splitting hairs over tiny parts of rights, there will be no more time wasted in filibusters or campaigning for frivolous activities that do not benefit the country. This way everyone will be able to understand their government, everyone will be able to make their own decisions, there will be no more big brother looking over your shoulder, and the government will not hold a persons hand through their entire lives. True freedom for all. 

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 9:21 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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November 6, 2008 at 10:58 AM

The declarations you make are not all that different from those in the platform of the Libertarian Party. What major or minor key points, if any, do you offer that distinguishes yours from its?



The following is excerpted from Libertarian Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Quote: ...
Key tenets of the Libertarian Party platform include the following:[5]

* Adoption of laissez-faire principles which would reduce the state's role in the economy. This would include, among other things, markedly reduced taxation, privatization of Social Security and welfare (for individuals, as well as elimination of "corporate welfare"), markedly reduced regulation of business, rollbacks of labor regulations, and reduction of government interference in foreign trade.
* Protection of property rights.
* Minimal government bureaucracy. The Libertarian Party states that the government's responsibilities should be limited to the protection of individual rights from the initiation of force and fraud.
* Strong civil liberties positions, including privacy protection, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and sexual freedom.
* Opposition to civil rights laws that regulate the private sector, such as affirmative action and non-discrimination laws.
* Support for the unrestricted right to the means of self-defense (such as gun rights, the right to carry mace or pepper spray, etc).
* Abolition of laws against "victimless crimes" (such as prostitution, driving without a seatbelt, use of controlled substances, fraternization, etc.).
* Opposition to regulations on how businesses should run themselves (e.g., smoking bans)
* A foreign policy of free trade and non-interventionism.
* Support for a fiscally responsible government including a hard currency (commodity-based money supply as opposed to fiat currency).
* Abolition of all forms of taxpayer-funded assistance (welfare, food stamps, public housing, Health care, etc.)
* The issues on which the party is most divided are intellectual property and capital punishment.[citation needed]
* The party officially is pro-choice on the issue of abortion[6], although many party members do not agree with this viewpoint.
End Quote.

November 6, 2008 at 11:01 AM

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